

25.12.2009 V <- V - Info Bugfix version - Fixed Newcamd2 tunneling only once, crc rebuild error - Fixed MD-API engine stops when more then 256 filter actions - Fixed DVBViewer GE works again, removed important callback function - Fixed CCcamN trim password, sometimes spaces behind password when no use of closing : - Fixed Emubox03 - Fixed Audio switch DVBViewer - Changed ***, EMM and cardclient - Same v0.0.0.6 - Same ACamdMonitor.exe v0.0.0.2

ACamd V0.6.14

Telecharger ACamd v0.6.14 02.12.2009

V <- V
- Added newcamd2 engine with chameleon support
- Added ACamdMonitor.exe for remote logging/settings, lot of new setting added
- Added experimental ACamd decoding only
- Added S: and s: for SID filtering
- Added add config option to cardclients and COM ports COM ports default
config numbers 1-5
- Added N: node filtering add preferred node, CCcamN
- Added PMT and CAT buffer into subdir ACamdTmp
- Added Seca2 and Seca3 filtering
- Changed C: option changed to c: , CHID C: for filtering and c: allow
- Changed removed default cardclient filtering from 1700/00ff to
0000/0000 (=none)
- Fixed lot of mem issues, when deleting stuff and unload ACamd

ACamd v0.6.14

new version ACamd_0610

new version ACamd_0610

جديد البلوغين الرائع لعمل الشرينغ و تشغيل الكروت على كروت السات


الجديد في الاصدار

V <- V

- Info When starting with new version off ACamd first delete ACamd.ini...
- Added CCcam native client [cccamn] beta with EMM support
- Added Beta tunneling B: line, ECM and EMM, for cardreader to
- Added Multiple EMM's for Seca updates
- Added PAT, CAT and PMT load after channel sellect.
- Added option [Disable Key Delay (set it to 0)] default ON
- Changed Type error [Disable Client on Bad Connection] (and ini change)
- Changed DisableClientOnBadConnection changed default to OFF
- Changed DVBViewerStartupDelay from 1500 to 100
- Delete A: line (replaced with B: line)
- Delete Option [Newcamd disable check on ProviderId]
- Delete Ini Option Newcat
- Delete cache.ini


EDG Nemesis 4.4 Magic CCcam 2.1.2 mod borsalino

EDG Nemesis 4.4 Magic CCcam 2.1.2 mod borsalino

EDG Nemesis 4.4 Magic CCcam 2.1.2 mod borsalino - 01.11.2009

تعديل جديد لصورة النمسيس خاص باجهزة الدريم بوكس 500

Language arabic & franch and more in demarge

the new DZ MIX EDG by Borsalino (01.11.09)

the cccam 2.1.2 inside in image

the big var withe cccam

cccaminfo1.1 and change bootlogo & more insid in image

the info of image modifed 01.11.2009

change the form of a channel presntation withe button help

-new bootlogo hd -Emu: CCcam 2.1.2 inside (start with image..
in blue panel withe volume button for the built-Emu ) -
please send Cccam.cfg in var/etc withe ftp -add Cccaminfo_v1.1 in image
(Yellow Button) -add change bootlogo(yellow button)..
send new bootlogo With renamed to newbild On track /tmp
And press the red button in plugins change bootlogo And
the change will ok.. -add extra url in image (inside)
-add Ecminfo -add nagrab recording in image -Changed the original skins withe the
new skins DZ MIX EDG by Borsalino (01.11.09) -delet old skins -Now you can change
the form of a channel presntation withe button help -add arabic & franc italian
& english Language in demarge -add option DVR withe help botton -big var
naw 82% Free espace -font size add -Fast image to open channels with Cccam
-option pvr ok withe this modifecation image .